I remember way back the first time I saw “Pulp Fiction”. The character Jules, played by Samuel Jackson, proclaims that his “girlfriend is a vegetarian, which pretty much makes …
It’s a very sad day for most guys when they realize that their wife or girlfriend no longer wants to have sex with them. It usually happens after you try …
If you are a relatively normal guy, then sex is a big and important part of your relationship. Sure, there is more to get from a girlfriend other than …
I was recently having coffee with some girlfriends of mine and one of them was talking about her nephew. She was saying that when he was eating the other …
It would be impossible to tell how many different things men can think about while knocking boots. The factors that mold our sexuality are so vast. It boggles my …
It’s hard to know what women think. There’s no telling what any woman is attracted to. There are a couple of definites, like confidence, height, and success. But even …