VIAGRA, LEVITRA, CIALIS- WHICH IS BETTER? I’m going to assume that you already know what these pills are, and what they do. This article isn’t to create a competition …
Times have changed. I don’t know how many times I’ve said and heard this statement. I usually try to avoid talking about changing times and the past because it …
If you are a relatively normal guy, then sex is a big and important part of your relationship. Sure, there is more to get from a girlfriend other than …
I was recently having coffee with some girlfriends of mine and one of them was talking about her nephew. She was saying that when he was eating the other …
It would be impossible to tell how many different things men can think about while knocking boots. The factors that mold our sexuality are so vast. It boggles my …
It’s hard to know what women think. There’s no telling what any woman is attracted to. There are a couple of definites, like confidence, height, and success. But even …
When you’ve managed to get her to come to your place, it would be great if you could make her this romantic five-course meal that she helps you with. …
It really doesn’t matter here if you are married or are looking to date women. Learning how to dance is a good idea. Unless you grew up dancing, most …